John 2 :5 Whatsoever he says unto you, do it
I had to get something copied today, I passed a spot, even though my mind said to me -"Go there-"
to go to my regular copy place. My regular place had familiar faces, I thought too that it was cheaper, plus the air conditioning was always on high; living in the in tropics - that is something I can appreciate! I got to my regular place, and the regular persons were not there. They had left someone else in charge and he didn't know how to do the copies the way I wanted! I stared at him, I rolled my mind's eye and I grunted....ugh!
I didn't follow my mind. It cost me about 10 minutes, I had to drive back to the place that my mind was telling me to go to...and you know what? They knew how to do the copies the way I wanted, they were cheaper - the air conditioning was high too PLUS there was a blessing waiting for me there! Freebies!
If you are an Early childhood teacher, you can appreciate the value of free paper! You can also appreciate recycled materials. At this other place, I not only got things I could recycle, but an offer to come anytime for more! How cool is that?
I got a tad bit too excited! Then I smiled on my face and in my heart at a God who gives us provision at every turn. Every turn, if we just trust and obey. If I had only trusted my mind's voice, I would have saved myself 10 minutes plus gas.
The world calls it intuition, for years I called it 'woman's intuition', today I call it the voice of my creator, redeemer, provider and friend.
Oftentimes, I would get upset and angry when I get into the car and it doesn't start, or there is some other unexpected delay. I would oftentimes ignore and dismiss that inner voice that says - 'not that' or 'don't go there' only to have something happen that confirms why I had heard that in the first place. Disobedience can cause much harm. But still, His grace and his mercy still protects and provides even in our disobedience.
God is faithful, He is just. It's a daily struggle, and the trust that I am learning to build, has not come overnight, but it is coming. In our most human state, we look so much to the things that we can see, touch, feel, hear- it is indeed sometimes the hardest thing to trust in that still small voice coming from within.
Is it my voice? It sure sounded like mine today when I drove past the first store that held my blessing. How can I tell who's voice it is?
John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: 28 And I give them eternal life' and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
Do you ever realize that when you know someone really well, you can pick them out in a crowd? You can even pick them out from behind. You can tell too by just their lips, smile, teeth even! I have steps at home, I know who is coming down the step, just by the sound their feet make on them; the mind is powerful like that. It's the same way we need to know God....without any doubt or reservation, we ought to be able to pick him out in a crowd, we ought to know how his footsteps sound coming in- we ought to know his voice in the wind of chaos that blows in the world.
How can I tell it's his voice?
I can only tell if I spend quality time with him, just talking to him, being around him, having fellowship with him and learning to tune out the world and just listen to him, and only him. No, it's not intuition - its in tuition - the price he paid, so that I could get in - so he speaks to me from within to remind me, protect me, keep me - and to get me freebies - cause he is my provider and he has promised me cities that I did not build. And you know what? I'm there for it!
Readings: Joshua 24
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Thank you Tanya! The more I spend time with Him, the more certain I become that it is Him speaking because His voice is familiar to me. It is truly a constant struggle to stay in that place because the demands of life is always calling us away from the Good Shepherd, but I don’t want to miss out on all the "freebies" awaiting me when I recognize and obey His voice. Indeed it is more than intuition!
ReplyDeleteYes, it is indeed more than intuition, and gosh, it is so hard just to not try to act like we are incharge of it all and just be still and know!