Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Stretching for worn out muscles

Bend and stretch, reach for the stars, there goes Jupiter, there goes Mars.
If you are an early childhood teacher, you probably know that little tune, if not, use it with your children, they will love it.


Stretching. If you have ever been in physio- therapy, you will understand just how painful stretching is. A few months into it, you will appreciate how much it helped. I'm being stretched; and I think I like it.

I have a problem with procrastination, I tell myself that I work 'better' under pressure, and maybe I do, but It causes way too much stress and loss of sleep. I'm sticking to a plan, these black letters veering across this white canvas is a part of my stretching. I feel tired today and  my feet hurt after standing all day. I do not want to write. I want to cuddle up in bed with procrastination and reminisce about all the time we wasted together. We've had fun. Nothing is more fun than just resting your mind in nothingness right?

Only a job for God would have me break up with procrastination. 

Because procrastination was my bestie, I had issues with consistency, I do suppose persons that don't plan have that issue too, and I've often said....well....I'm consistently inconsistent! That should count for something right?

I am at the right place, at the right time, for the right reason and among the right people. Sit with that for a minute, as I just did. It's stretching time. When it's time to move- you'll know, he'll tell you, if you ask, if you wait and if you listen. 

Nothing is coincidental. Nothing

Psalm 37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. 24. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand.

If there are dry places, dark places, places that need water, light and the power of God, trust that he's going to show up right there. He is not impressed by the squeaky clean places. He wants those places that are hidden from everyone, places hidden so deep that even you have forgotten about them. And if you are totally honest, you will admit, those places need light.

Now, I am learning things I wouldn't have. I'm stretching. At first, I felt inadequate. I didn't have the capacity. I stuttered. Like Moses. I stuttered. I didn't know what to do, what to say, but God said - Go!
I will tell you just what to say. The I AM has sent you to be who you were destined to be since before creation. Just Go. JUST DO IT.

Where we leads - he guides - he sends provision.

I am among the right people, all have something to impart to me. All. Will it be all good? I don't know, but I AM assured that, it, whatever it is, will work out for my good. So I win again!

I often see and hear people quarreling about their enemies, people who don't like them at work or school, but I have come to realize, those persons, are for our stretching too. For as much as we would like to hate them, we are called to love them. Stretch. As much as we want to leave them behind, the Lord promised that he will set a table before me - in the presence of my enemies. Stretch

Remember Moses? See what he accomplished? Stretch.

My feet feel a lot better now - stretching always helps worn out muscles and people.

Will you stretch today?


  1. Friend I am constantly hanging on your every word. So fun to read. I am always so inspired. Another beautiful piece. Keep stretching we are all better for it.

  2. Jaime, I am curious to know...did you know the song? lol...I thank you my friend, as do I look forward to reading your truths, although I am so way behind on my reading. Because of you, I will never look at laundry the same way, which is a great thing! Hope to catch up soon, and I am using Bingo this week!
